Why did you decide to pursue a career in Massage Therapy? It’s what I was searching for in a career, to be hands-on, to help others, and a never ending learning potential.
What was your favourite part of the massage program? Massaging.
What was your favourite hands on modality to learn? I liked it all as they have bits and pieces I can build my massage style from.
What was the most valuable take-aways? Understanding theory or philosophy of anything helps apply the technique at a higher level.
What are you looking forward to learning more about when you graduate? More modalities.
How has OSTMY changed your perspective? There are levels to everything and to not think you are better than others.
What specific strengths have you discovered about yourself? Pressure control, musculature anatomy knowledge allows me to see and isolate muscles clearly.
What massage therapy setting do you see yourself utilising your newly acquired skills? Gym or clinic.
What is your biggest piece of advice for anyone interested in joining this program? Do not half ass anything, show up, be professional in clinic and keep studying!
What is your current mission statement? Massage with insight, heal with empathy.