Annaliza Toledo
Why did you decide to pursue a career in Massage Therapy? It’s always been my passion to be a massage therapist, it’s not only for my family but I want to share how important massage to our body and soul.
What was your favourite part of the massage program? Everything, I love every minute of it, I’ve learned many things.
What was your favourite hands on modality to learn? Chair massage, trigger point and reflexology.
What was the most valuable take-aways? Knowledge, massage techniques, and struggles, in a good way!
What are you looking forward to learning more about when you graduate? To worry in prestigious spa and start a business eventually.
How has OSTMY changed your perspective? That it’s not too late to study or learn different things.
What specific strengths have you discovered about yourself? I discovered I can ease people and their pain while bringing them relaxation.
What massage therapy setting do you see yourself utilising your newly acquired skills? In a spa.
What is your biggest piece of advice for anyone interested in joining this program? Go for it!
What is your current mission statement? To bring relaxation and ease pain with massage therapy.