I decided to take this program because I love to learn different modalities to help clients. I loved the entire program, specially the endocrine system, nervous system and kinesiology. My favorite hands on modality to learn was trigger point, lower and upper cross syndrome and crania sacro. I am looking forward to learning more about clinical massage, cupping and cranio sacro.
My most valuable takeaway was the importance of professionalism care for the clients. OSTMY has increased my hunger for learning more and more. I will utilize this with my personal training clients, incorporating hands on modalities.
My biggest piece of advice to anyone is stay focus, have a goal and stick with it. Be fully present and try not to miss a class unless you really need to. Every single class is supper important, you always learn something new. No pain no gain. My mission is to provide a personalized fitness and body work program to each individual according to unique health needs.