I decided to pursue a career in massage therapy because I love working one on one with people and I enjoy being a “healing coach” for the clients. I love encouraging them and helping them reach their goals .
My favorite part was meeting all my amazing new friends and also learning more about myself. My favorite hands on modality to learn was trigger points and I am looking forward to learning more about energy and clinical work.
One of my most valuable takeaways was ” It’s not what you want, it’s what the client wants. And to have pure, wholesome intentions. OSTMY has changed my perspective on how I view human beings and the importance of a loving touch.
I have discovered that my strengths are that I am a people person, I love being creative with my massages and I love listening to clients. I see myself working either in my own practice or a t a hospital or wellness center.
My biggest piece of advice to anyone interested in joining the program is: be ready to honestly look at yourself and be open and always grateful; time goes by fast.
With the power of love, comes the power to heal. I love this school so much.