I wanted to heal people in a more natural way. I was inspired to follow this career years ago after my father’s death from heart failure.
Favorite part of entire program was learning about cupping massage and the power it has to heal what our hands can reach.Swedish is my favorite modality mix with cupping/hot stones. Because its what most people seem to request and as a result I was able to see the smiles and happiness people felt after the student clinic sessions.
I valued every moment in class because each day I learned something I didn’t know and gained confidence within my own abilities and strength I this career.Cupping and energy work is something that I look forward to learning more about in the future.OSTMY has taught me that there is more to massage than the body and to help the client more through specific types of massage.
I am not as timid and have more confidence in my ability to heal someone. Open my mind to work in other fields. I never dreamt of doing cupping, hot stones etc.